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in-depth health analysis through dna hair testing

Take Control of Your Health

Are you trying to lose weight and not finding success? Trying to balance hormones? Wondering why your hair is falling out?  Or can't figure out why you're so tired all the time?  If you have questions similar to these, an Epigenetic Hair Analysis may provide the answers you're looking for!  Book an appointment with us today!

Have questions about your health?

Using state-of-the-art technology, our DNA analysis provides a baseline assessment for your immune and nutritional systems, as well as exposures to environmental toxins.

We scan four of your hair follicles using our speciality scanner, which then sends the information to our server in Hamburg, Germany. Within 15 minutes, we receive a full analysis and report of the cellular information. 

From here, we put together a 90-day plan to help you optimize your health. We can review the information together and you'll also receive a printed out report to review at your convenience. 

Helping you balance your immune, nutritional, and physical health.

learn more about heidi >

Integrative Health Practitioner
Registered Dental Hygienist
AFAA Certified Trainer

I'm Heidi, your go-to health expert.

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